Our Definition of natural wine

All the winegrowers exhibiting with us produce their wines

*in organic or biodynamic farming

*hand harvest

*the grapes are fermented spontaneously, i.e. with the grape's own yeasts.

*die Weine werden ungeklärt, ungeschönt, ungefiltert und wenn überhaupt mit einer sehr geringen Zugabe von Schwefel abgefüllt. Max 30mg/L Total.

*all winegrowers speak openly and honestly about their way of working. And we trust them!

If you would like to find out more about the guidelines for natural wine, you can find additional information on the website of the Association for Natural Wine: naturknall-wein.de

At the fair, you will also find information at the stands about whether winegrowers added sulfur or not.

Priority for the Weinsalon Natürel is given to:.

-Wineries that make 100% natural wine / Wineries that do not make 100% natural wine.

-Wineries that do not add sulphur to their wines / Wineries that do add sulphur to their wines.

-wineries that produce at least 15,000 bottles a year / wineries that produce less. (Exception: Urban Wineries)

-wineries that make their living from selling wine and do not have a main job elsewhere.

-The people who made the wines should also present them. Not marketing agents or dealers.

Sunday special* – Sprungbrett nur am So 16.03.2025

*Sunday Special is for all those who are just starting out with natural wine, are still in the process of converting to organic cultivation, do not yet fully meet the priorities of the Wine Salon, but are on their way. - Natural Beginners.

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